Sneak Peek

The image above is a small snippet which I cropped from my latest book cover design, the topic of which will not be too difficult to deduce, I hope.

The book’s publication hasn’t yet a specific set date, but when I get the go ahead from my client I’ll make sure to announce it here and on my social media. What I can say about it is that it was very fun to create, and it allowed me to express my opinion on a few issues in the UFO field I find troublesome; such as its carnival-esque nature which is easily exploited by disreputable individuals seeking only personal profit or financial gain, instead of actually learning more about the phenomenon.

Speaking of social media, you might have probably noticed I’ve been posting a lot of doodles on Twitter and Instagram lately (I’ll also include them here this week). The reason for it is because I’m currently waiting for more commissions to arrive, so this is a good excuse to remind my gracious readers that if you’re interested in a commission for a commercial, professional or personal project, you can always contact me by leaving a message here or sending me an email at

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